Revised return is a return which is filed u/s 139(5) as revision for the original return. It is a revision for any omission or mistake made in the filing of that original return. In order to meet the deadline, a person may forget to disclose some income or may make any other mistake like a mistake in claiming any deduction. Have you made any errors while filing income tax return? Then you might want to e-file a revised return to rectify the error. Geeyestee offers you an easy and quick way to file a revised return using
The procedure for filing of revised return is same as the filing of a normal return. Additional steps are as follows:
In the column "Return filed", choose the option of "17 – Revised Return – 139(5)"
In the column "Whether original or revised return?", select "Revised"
In the column "If under section: 139(5) – revised return:" fill the Original Acknowledgment Number received at the time of filing of original income tax return; and Date of filing of Original Return
Now fill rest of the information same as it was under original return after correcting the mistake or omission